
Does the Church Actually Teach us to Hate God??

July 24, 2024 Susan & Robert Cottrell, FreedHearts Season 1 Episode 154

Today, we talk about the Teaching of Contempt for God – and how the church actually teaches us to hate God!!

We may not realize that, amidst the singing of praises, and saying, “Oh God is so good!” but all of it is over a trapdoor of seething contempt for a God who we are taught is capable of some horrible stuff.

That’s our understanding from religion, and it's by design! Why??

So, they can keep you in the pews and add the conditions that if  we just do the right things, believe the right things, we will be okay. We will avoid this horrible God.

It’s absolute false teaching! Beloved, you deserve to be free from all of it.

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